Sunday, July 18, 2010

Profile picture

This post is just to facilitate the hosting of my avartar picture for some forum site.


Monday, July 12, 2010

6 Essential Success Strategies - By Adam Khoo

1. Design A Powerful Life Plan
2. Model the Strategies of Excellence
3. Develop Personal Power
4. Be a Powerful Communicator
5. Develop Powerful Self-beliefs

Read this on paper today, some food for thoughts...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Richard Branson Top 5 Tips for Entreprenuerial Success - the "people factor"

1. Find Good People
2. Realise that the employees are the business
3. Look for the best in your people - Lavish praise, never criticise
4. Don't take yourself too seriously

Finally, Richard added - Just do it!
